Smile Big with Confidence with Clear Aligner Orthodontics at River Oaks Dental in Jacksonville, Florida


Obtaining a straighter smile and a boost of confidence as an adult does not have to involve traditional metal braces. At River Oaks Dental, we understand the desire to subtly and effectively transform your smile.

If you seek to enhance your dental appearance without using traditional wire braces, ClearCorrect aligners may be correct for you. They are custom-made for each person, unnoticeable to the eye, and are an excellent option for patients with mild to moderate misalignment. We can correct crowding, crooked, and gapped teeth through a series of removable aligners and create a better functioning bite.

Straight teeth aren’t just for looks- it is also essential for your oral health to have a stable bite and easily clean teeth. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, misalignment of teeth may increase the need for future dental procedures due to tooth decay, gum disease, or wearing of teeth from improper bites. 


a girl holding her mouthguard
a smiling woman

Benefits to Straighter Teeth with Clear Aligner Orthodontics


  • Smile with complete confidence
  • Nearly invisible and unnoticeable 
  • Correct your teeth fast and effectively
  • Can take your trays out for eating and oral hygiene
  • Custom-fit, comfortable to wear, removable, easy to clean
  • Improve oral functioning: biting, speaking, chewing
  • Decrease decay, tooth wear, and improve overall gum health

How Do Clear Aligner Orthodontics Work?


At your initial visit, Dr. Monteiro will examine your teeth to determine if ClearCorrect is the best orthodontic option to meet your specific needs. If clear aligners are right for you, we will take photographs, radiographs, and impressions to create a 3-D image of your teeth.

Custom clear aligner trays

An individualized treatment plan will be created to map out the precise movements of your teeth throughout each visit. The total number of aligner trays will depend on the movement necessary to achieve your desired outcome, varying from case to case. Using gentle force, each tray will gradually straighten your teeth into place safely and effectively.

Attachments, also called buttons, made of the tooth-colored composite may also be temporarily bonded to the teeth to provide additional support for the trays to be worn. They can also aid in rotating or shifting teeth that are more complicated to align.

If crowding is present, an interproximal reduction (IPR) may be completed to reduce the width of the teeth and provide more space for movement as needed during treatment.

Progress and Care

ClearCorrect aligners can be removed to eat, brush, and floss normally but should be worn 22 hours daily for optimal results. Aligners will be replaced during each visit for two weeks before moving on to the next trays. Each tray will help gradually straighten teeth into their final positions, resulting in a perfect smile and excellent oral health.

clear correct case 1 before
clear correct case 1 after

how much does clear aligner orthodontics cost?

Many insurance plans do cover orthodontic treatment for adults and children. The costs can vary, with short term or minor orthodontic procedures corrected for as little as $1,200.

If you are ready to get the smile you’ve been dreaming of, give us a call and schedule your consultation today at

(904) 348- 0416.

We can help you achieve your cosmetic goals and give you the smile you deserve!

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