What is TMJ/TMD?

TMJ and TMD are often used interchangeably to describe disorders of the jaw joint and surrounding musculature.  TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint and refers to the anatomic jaw joint.  TMD is short for temporomandibular disorder and is the correct term that refers to the pain and disfunction of the joint.  TMD is a broad term describing pain or tenderness of the join and associated muscles that control jaw movement.

Signs and symptoms of TMD

woman holding her cheek in pain

Causes of TMD

occlusal bite analysis and adjustment can help provide lasting relief of tmd symptoms

By examining your TMJ (jaw joint) and the way your teeth come together when you bite, Dr. Rachel Monteiro can determine if you may benefit from an occlusal adjustment.  To alleviate the symptoms of TMD and prevent further progression of the damage, Dr. Monteiro can adjust or equilibrate your bite.  This is done by recontouring the teeth to remove interferences that are preventing the jaw from closing properly, and from the teeth fitting together correctly.  The result is that the jaw can go into the correct position and the muscles in the jaw, face, and neck can relax. 

Other treatment options for TMD include:

1. Occlusal splints and night guards

2. Botox therapy

3. Physical therapy and massage

4. Orthodontics

5. Orthognathic (jaw) surgery

6. Reconstruction of the teeth to idealize bite relationship


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